The Rev. Lynn Hade arrived in August of 2021 to serve as our rector. Lynn is a second career priest and Grace is the 4th parish she has had the privilege to serve. A 2007 graduate of The General Theological Seminary of the Episcopal Church, in her earlier professional life Lynn worked with children and families at Parenting Plus and Head Start in Centre County Pennsylvania and at North Broadway Children’s Center in Columbus, Ohio. A native of Iowa, Lynn is the proud mother of two adult daughters and grandchildren ranging in age from 6 months to 13 years. Lynn loves pretty much all she does, but will turn to a good mystery novel when she needs a little break.
Vestry and Officers
Carolyn Nelson is our Senior Warden, serving in that role beginning in March, 2022. Carolyn is a longtime member of Grace, arriving in 1973 with her husband Cole, who is a lifetime member of Grace. Carolyn brings experience in many areas of life at Grace, serving previously as our Registrar and as coordinator of Sunday School. Carolyn is a retired kindergarten teacher and the proud parent of 3 adult children.
Keith Cameron began his tenure as our Parish Treasurer in February 2022 as well as a vestry member. A longtime Episcopalian, Keith joined Grace when he moved to the area following his retirement. Keith is a retired Coast Guard Captain.
Donna Hayes is a member of the vestry and serves as our Parish Registrar. A retired Children’s librarian, Donna keeps us organized with her well detailed vestry meeting minutes and her many contributions to the life of the parish as a volunteer.
Jeff Waugh serves as the Property Warden for Grace and vestry member. Jeff raised his adult sons in our parish and is dedicated to caring for our property and parishioners.
Jeffrey King Susan Newstead Kathy Foley
Vestry members who round out our vestry slate, each of them bringing something uniquely their own to our work as a vestry.
Martha Maczko is our faithful organist for more than 20 years. Martha is an elementary music teacher at Forest Hill Elementary School in Harford County.
Carolyn Nelson and Jeff King frequently add their skills as guitarists to our worship service.